Get to Know Me

Hi, I’m Chami and one of my number one priorities before starting therapy is making sure you’re comfortable! So before I get to know you, let me share a bit about myself so you can get to know me.

What I do best

  • Trauma

    Trauma doesn’t have to define you, but it is a part of your story. I use a combination of methods to help my clients form a healthier relationship with their trauma, and stop being limited by it.

  • Addiction and Recovery

    Recovery is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I can help you meet your recovery and wellness goals, and I will always meet you wherever you are in your journey.

  • Recovery from Toxic and Abusive Relationships

    Maybe you recetly left an abusive romanic partner or you’re thinking of doing so. Maybe you’re realizing toxic ties with family are no longer servng you. No matter the circumtances, changing relationship dynamics and recovering from mistreatment can be painful and challenging. I am here to help you uncover the strength you already have to live with autonmy and joy.

What I do best

  • Trauma

    Trauma doesn’t have to define you, but it is a part of your story. I use a combination of methods to help my clients form a healthier relationship with their trauma, and stop being limited by it.

  • Addiction and Recovery

    Recovery is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I can help you meet your recovery and wellness goals, and I will always meet you wherever you are in your journey.

  • Recovery from Toxic and Abusive Relationships

    Maybe you recently left an abusive romantic ipartner or you’re thinking of doing so. Maybe you’re realizing toxic ties with family are no longer servng you. No matter the circumstances, changing relationship dynamics and recovering from mistreatment can be painful and challenging. I am here to help you uncover the strength you already have to live with autonomy and joy.

What I do best

  • Trauma

    Trauma doesn’t have to define you, but it is a part of your story. I use a combination of methods to help my clients form a healthier relationship with their trauma, and stop being limited by it.

  • Addiction and Recovery

    Recovery is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I can help you meet your recovery and wellness goals, and I will always meet you wherever you are in your journey.

  • Recovery from Toxic and Abusive Relationships

    Maybe you recetly left an abusive romanic partner or you’re thinking of doing so. Maybe you’re realizing toxic ties with family are no longer servng you. No matter the circumtances, changing relationship dynamics and recovering from mistreatment can be painful and challenging. I am here to help you uncover the strength you already have to live with autonmy and joy.

Why I do what I do

In 2016, my own mental health and addiction struggles led me to seek therapy and professional guidance. My life changed dramatically and I was inspired to dedicate my life and career to helping others who have endured trauma, mental health problems, and addiction.

I have found that particularly stigmatized issues—addiction, personality disorders, and relationship trauma specifically—can be very hard to open up about and find the right therapist to trust and process with. I take pride in creating a safe space for my clients so that all issues can be put out in the open to cope through and seek help with.